I was born in the city of Mar del Plata, Argentina.Estudié technician in Biochemistry and Faculty of Geography. Since 1982 I am a professional painting. Start painting in 1978 in Paris, France, with the bohemian Montmârtre.Estudié Art in Argentina with several teachers including Alberto Bruzzone.Realizé over 70 solo and group exhibitions. I received awards and commendations. Many works belong to private collectors. I am dedicated to teaching the art since 1987 in my Artistic Painting workshops, Cartoon, Caricature, Cartoons and Decorative Painting. Selected rooms several times in national and provincial collective Argentina.Exposiciones at the National Museum of Decorative Art, Museum Ex Mint Museum of Fine Arts in the city of La Plata, Juan Carlos Castagnino Museum, Argentina, 2006/07 otros.Eniarte American Painters Exhibition, Buenos Aires .. Within the figurative, there is a tendency to hyper-realism, in the still lifes and landscapes on the other hand delved through different styles and artistic disciplines, seeking new perspectives and challenges .